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Table Lamps

If we’ve worked together before you know how important I think lamps are! They bring intimacy, coziness, and an inviting glow to any room. Lamps help your eye to travel slowly through the room, noticing special spots along the way. In my opinion, sofas need two table lamps, either on end tables or a sofa table behind. A tall table lamp between two chairs looks like a gracious invitation to pull up a book. Table lamps should relate to the furniture around them and to how it could be used. A good lamp height for an average seating arrangement is 30”. A shorter lamp can work with low furniture, but I’d make sure has a chunky presence so it doesn’t look like it is not to scale.

If your living space doesn’t feel cozy, consider adding a lamp…or three! Below are a few high and low choices. The top three are available to the interior design trade and have special details like the delicate brass neck on the concrete lamp and the more subtle urn shape on the striped lamp. These will have more classic lines and higher-quality lamp parts. But, if your budget doesn’t allow it, check out the similar lamps on the bottom row from Amazon.

And, by all means, please use a frosted 2700 Kelvin bulb! You’ll thank me!